Magical Girls & Mecha v1.2: A Small Delay

I’m going to need another extra week or so to post the update 1.2 of Magical Girls & Mecha. I took an unexpected detour to update Hot off the Press (which you should also check out if you like the idea of playing teenaged news hounds in a very tropetastic fictional high school) which threw off my rhythm for working on it. Then I passed it over to someone to edit it, which poked a bunch of other new holes in the game that I wanted to address. Even though they didn’t get to go through the whole thing, it did shed some light on points of friction. So, instead of coming out on the 20th, I’m giving myself till the end of the month with a new posting date of the 30th. Sorry for the delay, but I don’t think in the next week I’m going to be able to get it to the place I want it to be.

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